Irish Pilgrimage Along the Celtic Wheel of Life

This Summer on my visit home to Ireland, my husband and I hired a camper van and headed out onto the small and windy roads of the beautiful Emerald Isle, for a 10-day pilgrimage to the sacred sites. Wondering about the best way to share this amazing experience with you, it felt most powerful to align the sites we visited during our trip to my Celtic Wheel of Life, taking you on an archetypal journey of birth, death and rebirth in relationship with the ancient sacred sites of Ireland.

Vipassana: 10 Lessons from 10 Days Meditation

This time 10 years ago I was living in a very silent world, well at least silent externally (more about that later!). It’s mid March 2009, and I’m cloistered up in a Vipassana meditation centre perched on the side of a Himalayan foothill, overlooking to city of Kathmandu, Nepal. In the land of the world’s highest mountains, emerging from 100 hours of meditation is akin to climbing Mount Everest! Here are some lessons I gleaned from those 10 days …

Welcome To My Heart Space

Welcome to my Heart Space Blog and website! This blog is an offering from my heart to yours – dedicated to true, free and whole living. Living from our heart space …